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NDIS Physiotherapy Services | Melbourne

Beyond Barries Allied Health offers comprehensive NDIS physiotherapy services across Melbourne, catering to the diverse needs of people with disability.


Our skilled and compassionate physiotherapists are experienced in working with NDIS participants, delivering personalised treatment plans to enhance mobility and independence.

With a focus on individual goals and abilities, we ensure participants receive the support they need to achieve their desired outcomes. As a physiotherapy provider, our services are integrated within NDIS pricing arrangements, making it accessible and affordable for participants to access the highest quality care and support throughout Melbourne.

Make a referral for NDIS physio today. Or contact us for more information about disability physiotherapy today.

ndis physiotherapy

Our Physiotherapy NDIS Team Help Improve Mobility

Physiotherapy NDIS

We provide the physiotherapy NDIS patients rely on, extending to people of all ages and backgrounds, helping those living with disability.

The Beyond Barriers Allied Health team of NDIS Physiotherapists collaborates with participants to provide comprehensive care for a wide range of conditions. From paediatric to pain, neurological, musculoskeletal, and mental health areas, we tailor our service to meet your unique needs.

With personalised lifestyle advice, exercise prescriptions, and aids, our goal is to make daily tasks easier and empower you to make the most out of life.


Let us support you on your journey to better health and enhanced well-being with expert physiotherapy for disability.

Book an appointment with our NDIS physiotherapist now.

Benefits of Physiotherapy For People With Disabilities

Physiotherapy brings immense benefits to people with disability, offering improved mobility, pain relief, and enhanced functionality. Our combination of tailored treatment plans, evidence-based techniques, and personalised exercises empower individuals, fostering independence and overall well-being.

With a focus on individual needs and goals, our physiotherapists plays a crucial role in maximising potential and enabling a more fulfilling and active lifestyle for people living with disability.

Our Melbourne Physiotherapist NDIS Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

Located in Melbourne, our NDIS physiotherapy team prioritise your goals to achieve greater independence. Our dedicated team creates personalised treatments, tailoring every aspect to your unique aspirations and needs.

By focusing on your specific objectives, whether it's pain relief, improved movement, or increased functionality, we empower you to take charge of your journey towards a more fulfilling and self-directed life. With our support, your goals become the driving force behind your progress and success.

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Where You Can Find Our NDIS Physiotherapy Services in Melbourne

Explore our NDIS physiotherapy services in Melbourne, conveniently available across the metropolitan area.


Our team of expert therapists delivers compassionate care and personalised support, to local NDIS participants living in Melbourne.

From NDIS physiotherapy to occupational therapy and speech therapy, our health professionals travel throughout Melbourne to bring our services directly to you. Our qualified physiotherapist provides professional NDIS services in your own home.


Let us join you on the path to a more fulfilling life.

Make An Appointment With Our NDIS Physiotherapist Today

Don't wait to start your journey to better health – schedule your appointment with our physiotherapist today. As a key member of our multidisciplinary team, our experienced NDIS physiotherapist specialises in addressing directly related conditions, ensuring comprehensive care.

With evidence-based services and a collaborative approach, we work towards maximising your functional abilities and improving your well-being through rehabilitation.

Make the first move towards an improved quality of life by booking your appointment with our professional physiotherapist now.

ndis physiotherapy service

Frequently Asked Questions For Our NDIS Physiotherapy Service

Is Physio Covered By The NDIS?

Physiotherapy is incorporated within the NDIS. NDIS Physiotherapy is often found within different NDIS funding sections either as an essential support or as a capacity-building support. For more details on each section, see a few examples of the NDIS funding or plan.

Physiotherapists can help to address various types of disability including:

Intellectual disability

Autism spectrum disorder

Cerebral palsy

Down syndrome

Acquired brain injury


What are NDIS physiotherapy services?

The cost of physiotherapy in NDIS is fixed. When you visit a physiotherapist you pay your costs to them from your NDIS funded physiotherapists fees. Physiotherapy services may be provided for various reasons: Physiotherapy has the purpose in assisting a person to perform better.

Physiotherapy has a variety of specialties and physiotherapists will offer different kinds according to your condition. Your physiotherapist will recommend a personal treatment plan depending on what you need to improve. For more information about our NDIS physiotherapy services please contact us today.


What Physiotherapy Costs Are Not Covered Under The NDIS?

Some costs not covered under the NDIS plan include general fitness programs and services not related to disability. Additionally, travel expenses, non-disability-related conditions, and excessive treatments may not be funded.

It's essential to understand the NDIS guidelines, as costs for pain management and services work to align with the Australian government having reasonable and necessary criteria are covered.

What is a NDIS Physiotherapist?

An NDIS physiotherapist is a crucial professional in the realm of allied health therapies. As a registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), they play a vital role in supporting patients with physical disabilities, such as spinal cord injuries, and acquired brain injuries.

NDIS physiotherapists specialise in providing home exercise programs, personalised care, and expert guidance. They assist each NDIS participant in enhancing their mobility, functionality, and overall well-being, often incorporating assistive technologies and tailored treatment plans to empower individuals on their journey towards improved independence and quality of life.

What Happens During My NDIS Physiotherapy Assessment?

During your NDIS physiotherapy assessment, a qualified professional from an NDIS provider will evaluate your mobility, strength, and functional abilities. They may discuss your exercise programs, use of mobility aids, and support from other individuals.

The first appointment will aim to understand your specific needs and goals, ensuring personalised care. If you are self-managed, you have the flexibility to choose your NDIS physiotherapy provider and actively participate in designing a treatment plan that best suits your requirements.

What are NDIS Therapeutic Supports?

NDIS physiotherapy therapeutic supports are essential services designed to assist individuals with disabilities in accomplishing everyday tasks and improving their overall well-being. These supports encompass a wide range of interventions, such as physiotherapy and rehabilitation, tailored to enhance a person's ability and independence.

The NDIS sets price limits for these services, ensuring participants can access quality care while allowing flexibility to involve support people and create treatment plans that best suit their unique needs and goals.

Make a Referral or Contact Us Today

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